The Aviation Challenge

Since 2022, SkyTeam has been organising the Aviation Challenge (formerly Sustainable Flight Challenge). During this challenge, KLM and over 20 other airlines, are conducting a special flight. Before and during this flight, the airlines will test various ideas to reduce the flight’s impact: from CO₂ emissions to social impact. Afterwards, the participants will implement as many improvements as possible and learn from each other's experiences.

Solutions to lower impact

Air travel has negative impacts on the climate. The Aviation Challenge helps us and other airlines develop new ideas to reduce the impact of flying.

All airlines share their ideas and solutions to learn from each other. After the Challenge, we try to implement as many improvements as possible. The airline that adopts the most ideas from the Challenge wins an award.

New ideas

Each year, we try to incorporate as many successful ideas as possible from the previous Challenge. Of course, we also implement new initiatives. Here are some of those improvements:

  • Our Cargo department uses cardboard pallets, which weigh 50% less than conventional wooden ones. This can save up to 500 kg on a flight from Amsterdam to Singapore. Additionally, we load our cargo in a way that optimises the aircraft’s centre of gravity, resulting in less drag and lower fuel consumption.
  • We try out different meals on board to reduce the impact of our food chain.
  • We explore ways to involve our customers in increasing the use of SAF (alternative aviation fuel), which helps us reduce our overall environmental impact.

From idea to impact

In 2024, the focus of the Aviation Challenge is on adoption. SkyTeam encourages putting ideas into practice to increase the Challenge’s impact. Reducing the impact of a single flight is great, but it truly makes a difference when we apply innovations to all flights and processes.

Other initiatives for innovation

We not only improve with ideas from the Aviation Challenge. We also run various programs to increase our use ofSAF (alternative aviation fuel). And we invest in fleet renewal, recycling, noise reduction, and more.

Learn more about our efforts

Employee Sustainability Challenge

Our people actively contribute to the flights participating in the Aviation Challenge. KLM colleagues shared their ideas for the Challenge during the Employee Sustainability Challenge. Around 130 ideas were shared.

Share knowledge

After the Challenge, all participating airlines can share their knowledge and experiences during an event and on an online platform. Participants can partake in workshops about recycling, optimum flight routes, and more. On this day, the awards will be presented.

What is SkyTeam?

KLM is part of SkyTeam, a global network of 20 airlines working together to provide millions of passengers with the best travel experience. We challenge ourselves, each other, and the aviation industry to keep innovating. Our aim is to reduce the environmental impact of aviation, with innovation playing a key role in this effort.

Read more about SkyTeam